Boost sales & performance across all platforms

Product In Use
Get authentic content of your product used by real people in real situations
Product Focus
Get trustworthy product content shot by your own customers
Get relatable content amplifying your brand identity and values
Product In Use
Get authentic content of your product used by real people in real situations
Product Focus
Get trustworthy product content shot by your own customers
Get relatable content amplifying your brand identity and values

Get UGC content in 3 -simple steps

Brief Creators

Write a brief, set price, share it with creators and get photo and video content uploaded to the platform.

Select & purchase

Review the uploads, feedback the creators, request revisions. Once ready, pick & pay only for the ones you love.

Grow your community

Foster long-term connections with creators, educate and inspire. Build a global army of brand ambassadors ready to meet your content needs.

Dive deeper to see how it all works

Start Your FREE Trial Today!


What does "Crowd" mean on Foap?

A “Crowd” refers to a group of content creators who produce photos and videos. These creators voluntarily decide to generate content for specific brands. Think of it like following a page on social media – when creators “follow your crowd”, they become part of your brand’s community on Foap. Through Posts, Comments, Badges, and Missions, you can cultivate a dedicated community of brand ambassadors to produce authentic, platform-specific content tailored to your marketing requirements.

What is a Mission on Foap?

In essence, a “Mission” is a creative brief from brands to the creator community. When setting up a Mission, you can:

  • Specify whether you want a photo or video.
  • Opt to feature your product or go with a more generic lifestyle approach.
  • Direct your brief towards creators in a specific location or open it up globally.
  • Target particular creators based on demographics like age, gender, and interests or keep it inclusive for everyone.
  • Decide whether to give specific guidelines or allow creators the freedom to interpret.

Remember, you’re the brand guru – we provide the tools, and you craft the narrative!

Can I handpick the creators I collaborate with?

Absolutely! When setting up your Mission, you can determine your target audience. Whether you’re looking to work exclusively with your brand ambassadors or wish to tap into the diverse global creator pool, the choice is yours. Plus, with our “Sampled Request Mission”, creators express their interest, and you get to select who you’d like to participate.

Is it possible to target creators by geographical location?

Yes, you can. We have a vibrant user base spanning 194 countries, including regions like North America, Europe, LATAM, APAC, and MENA. You can direct your Mission to creators from specific areas as needed.

Do I obtain international rights to the content sourced from Foap?

Yes, you do. Any content you acquire from Foap can be utilized globally and across diverse marketing mediums, be it Social Media, E-commerce, TV, Email, Print, or any other channel.

How soon can I expect content after posting a brief?

The content delivery period can fluctuate based on various brief factors like:

  • Desired outcomes & performance indicators
  • The depth of the mission brief
  • Allocated budget
  • Targeted creator attributes
  • Product delivery requirements Typically, initial content starts trickling in a few days post-brief release. However, a pro tip: hold off on immediate purchases. Often, the standout submissions materialize closer to the deadline. Happy browsing!