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Mission photos
A drop of water falling from melting snow and ice on the roof overhang of a wooden structure
Fruits! - Cucumbers in a spiral pattern on a green plate against a blurred background of trees
Summer Pets - a grey tabby looking off into the distance on a summer day
Golden leaves illuminated by golden autumn sunshine
Newly budding trees framing a patch of clearing, bright, blue sky amidst clouds
Closeup of a rusted rim and lug bolts on a vintage vehicle
Closeup of a red steer’s face on a sunny day
A leafy tree bough with bright green leaves, illuminated by the sun
Red rustic vintage key with the word “LOVE” and keyhole on dark wooden surface
(nominated) Gold - Flat lay of gold embroidery and specialty threads and golden bird needlework scissors on a black background
Two rodeo riders in a practice corral before competing
Low-level view of an Australian Cattle Dog / Red Heeler walking down a country lane with lush grass and cornfields on either side
Foap Premium Mission - The word “foap” handwritten in chalk on black background with collage of miniature black and white photos and chalk illustrations of vintage cameras
A grey tabby, waiting with hope, by a woodpile for prey he thinks he’s detected
Pastel-colored clouds, partially illuminated at the tops, by low-angled sunlight
A grey tabby sitting in the grass by a large tree in the sunlight, blurred trees and a bright sky in the background
A robin gathers nesting materials
Closeup headshot of a horse in a barn against a blurred cornfield and a summer sky
Isolated view of a colorful, dramatic tower of cumulonimbus clouds over a silhouetted tree line
Side view of sparks from a bench grinder being used by a man on a metal part
A mixed-breed dog standing on a gravel road looking off into the distance on a sunny day
Fruits! - Cucumbers in a spiral pattern on a green plate on a white table against a blurred background of trees
A drop of water falling from melting snow and ice on the roof overhang of a wooden structure
Eye-level with a curious black heifer poking her nose through a wire fence
Fermented cabbage, apples and oranges in quart-size mason jars, a cabbage, an apple, and an orange on a white plate on a blue placemat in the background
Blanket flowers
Shapes: Rectangle - A goose looking at the camera through a wire cage, rectangular-shaped openings and rectangular shadows from cage on the wall behind it
Closeup of strands of barbed wire, wrapped around a peeling, bark-covered fence post, in monochrome
Fermented cabbage, apples and oranges in quart-size mason jars with blue silicone fermenting lids, a cabbage, an apple, and an orange on a white plate on a blue placemat in the background
Dewdrops on a spider web against a blurred rural background in summer
Three Canadian geese carefully watch two large steers laying in the shade in a nearby pasture
Pennsylvania Smartweed
Rows of baby corn in a farm field, shaded by a grove of trees with rays of early morning sunlight streaming through
The first leaf to turn on a mulberry tree, a reminder that fall is here
Beautifully colored leaves on a giant sycamore tree, lit up by autumn sunshine
Homemade kombucha, bottled for a second ferment, flavored with slices of turmeric root, red chili pepper, and / or ginger root on stacked bamboo cutting boards
Farm-fresh blue and brown eggs in a wire basket on a dark wooden surface
Flat tire and rusted metal wheel rim and lug bolts on a vintage vehicle
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