DYI and Crafts

by Foap Missions

6735 Photos$150 RewardSuccesfully ended2022-08-21 Ends at

About this mission

Nothing beats homemade, right? All you need is a few supplies and a dream! You can learn to make just about everything from the internet these days, isn’t that amazing? We’d like to see what you were able to create by yourself in the comfort of your own home. Show us your process or the finished product.

🔨 Tap “Rewards” on the top of this screen to check out the rewards. The best photos and the authors can also be featured on our Facebook and Instagram.

🪛 Quality of photos is always the most important when choosing winning photos, but we also consider the rates and comments. Vote and comment on the photos of others to increase your chances of winning.

🪚 What do you think about this mission? Tell us here: https://foap.typeform.com/to/rfPMa8uT?utm_campaign=diyjul2022

Example photos

DYI and Crafts example photoDYI and Crafts example photoDYI and Crafts example photoDYI and Crafts example photoDYI and Crafts example photoDYI and Crafts example photo