3780 Photos$14 RewardSuccesfully ended2023-10-04 Ends at

About this mission

Let's grab our cameras and capture that unique bond between women. We want to freeze those moments of joy, support, and shared adventures that define their incredible friendships.

It's all about celebrating the strength and beauty of these amazing ladies' connections!

Sure, friendships come in all shapes and sizes - between guys and girls, people and pets, and even grown-ups and little ones. But for this mission, we're focused on those heartwarming moments between grown women that truly embody the essence of friendship.

🟡 TIP: If your photo isn't visible in the "Accepted" tab after you upload it, no worries, everything is fine. Our curation team will personally review and approve the photo before giving out the mission rewards.

Example photos

Sisters for Life: The Power of Female Friendships example photoSisters for Life: The Power of Female Friendships example photoSisters for Life: The Power of Female Friendships example photoSisters for Life: The Power of Female Friendships example photo